Moving to is 2 days!

Dear Readers,

Thanks for supporting us. We are very happy to let you know that we will be moving to a bigger, better site. That means more content, more entertainment and more 'wow' factor.

MindChic have moved to a new 'home'. To look for inspiring videos you have crave, just visit now!

And here is what promise.

Our content will expand from inspiration to include humor and magic. So yes, 3 times of entertainment, 3 times of fun and 3 times of 'Wow'.

If you like this blog, you will love So see you there!


Thursday, August 2, 2007

"Free Hugs" Campaign Aims to Inspire Reserved Japanese

A group of university students were on a mission earlier this year to change Japan -- and make hugging more acceptable. Inspired by the original Free Hugs campaign in Sydney ('must-see' video from earlier this year), and by living in the U.S., where people smile at strangers, Saki Inoue longs for friendliness and more hugs between Japanese...

Original Free Hug campaign in Sydney

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